I’m Chrissy Vintage

I could never choose to be one thing, so I became them all.

I was never the little girl that could not tell you what she wanted to be when she grew up. I was the girl that couldn't stop telling you. I wanted to be an actress, singer, mother, beauty shop owner, fashion designer, therapist, & interior decorator. I am now a mother, a wife, and a CREATIVE!. I create beauty in what ever the world sends my way. I specialize in lifestyle & portrait photography, but my true heart lives with pinup photography. I am also a licensed cosmetologist serving the Pace/Milton area.

View Portrait Portfolio


Fact 1

I was born and raised in Mid West Georgia. I have been very lucky to live in California, North Dakota & Alabama. We now call the greater Pensacola area home.


Fact 2

My own family HATES posing for photos! There's a reason that photographers joke about taking photos of their own families.


Fact 3

I started taking photos when I was 17 years old. I used disposable cameras and LOVED taking photos of historic homes and landscapes in rural Georgia. I have been photographing professionally since 2016,


Fact 4

I am always thinking about the next backdrop. Every place I visit is a potential photoshoot location. The world is our canvas.